Title pictures courtesy of Annie LaRue

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Movie Night

There seriously isn't anything better than movie night. Last night was a great night. Put baby to bed and watched two, yes 2 movies back to back!! Saw The Proposal and Pelham 123... while lounging on our couch eating ice cream and drinking coffee. How, you may ask?

Asia has a huge dvd market. I'm sure its not completely legal but we figure if they're selling them in the mall and well its loads cheaper than watching them in the theater... why not. Not to mention Malaysia is a country that censors. Really censors. "Boob" is cut out of shows. So to watch a whole movie in the theater we'd have to go to Singapore. The cost of going over, getting someone to watch Sophie, movie tickets, popcorn and drink, parking and the traffic we'd have to endure at the border isn't worth the 2 hour movie, no matter how many stars it may get.

Our video guy lets you have 12 dvds for RM 50 or around $15. Yeah, we know. NICE! Our Dvd collection has quadrupled since we've been living in the Ghetto.

Next showing: Year One with Jack Black and in a few weeks we'll have Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp on our screen. All while wearing our pjs!

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